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I miss my old self...

30 Sept 2020 The day started just like any other day. The only difference was I was to cook and clean and do everything as atya wasn't around as she had gone to hometown. I am kind of dependent on her for all my chores and it was like a big responsibility for me. I managed well... or may be I thought so. I cooked up a good meal, took Samiksh for therapy, played with Sarasvi.  Although I regret not spending much time with my kids, I have been hooked to using mobile phone a lot lately. I do not like it. I want to change this habit of mine. I have been missing my parents and just to divert myself I keep myself engrossed in my phone. I cannot express this to anyone, as people think I keep on whining and crying unnecessarily. I do not want people or anyone to see this weak side of mine. I have been missing my dad a lot. He was my biggest strength. I still feel his presence around me and his words echo in my ears loud and clear whenever I mess up.  The only thing that I regret is that my

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